The Pope was all smiles and the stadium terraces filled with faithful singing in chorus at today’s confirmation event at the “Meazza” stadium in San Siro, which resembled a World Youth Day, Milan style.
Benedict XVI embraced the children that received or are due to receive the sacrament of confirmation this year.
This morning’s meeting with confirmation candidates was introduced by the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Scola, with a welcome address by Fr. Samuele Morelli, head of the Diocese of Milan’s pastoral care for youth section and a presentation by little Giovanni who is acting as representative for his peers.
This was followed by a show put on by youngsters and greetings from two Italian football players, AC Milan’s Franco Baresi and FC Inter’s Javier Zanetti. Cardinal Scola then pronounced the Gospel and the Pope concluded with a speech intended as a catechesis for youngsters of this global third millennium.
“Do not believe those who tell you that you cannot have a vocation at your age.” The Pope spoke off the cuff to the 80.000 passionate youngsters taking part in the “confirmation candidates’ celebration” in Milan’s Meazza stadium. “I myself – he said – cannot say whether I heard the call at the moment of my confirmation, but I certainly began to hear it when I was a child like you.”
The Pope appealed to youngsters to say “yes” to Jesus’ Gospel. This “yes” should be said with freedom and awareness. “The sacrament of Confirmation confirms Baptism, surrounding you with the Holy Spirit – Joseph Ratzinger explained. You yourselves are now full of gratitude; you have the possibility to embrace his great gifts which help you to become faithful and courageous witnesses of Jesus along life’s path. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are wonderful things which allow you to develop as Christian, to live the Gospel and be members of the community.” Christian life is “a path, it is like going on a journey up a mountain path, alongside Jesus.”
Benedict XVI’s words were like a vademecum for young people: “Don’t be lazy, be committed children and young people, particularly to study.” This is “your daily duty and a great opportunity to grow.” So “be there for others and be generous, overcoming the temptation to put yourselves at the centre of everything, because selfishness is joy’s enemy.”
What is more, “if you experience the beauty of being part of Jesus’ community, now, you too will be able to contribute to its growth and will be able to invite others to join.” “Allow me therefore to say to you that the Lord calls you to do great things every day, even right here today.” “Be open to his suggestions and to whether he calls you to follow him along the path of priesthood or consecrated life.”
So “don’t say “no” to him” Jesus will fill your heart for the rest of your life.” “Aim for high ideals, be saints! Is it possible to be saints at your age? I say to you it certainly is possible!” the Pope went on to stress to youngsters. Even St Ambrose, “your city’s great Saint” confirms this in one of his works: “Every age is ready for Christ.” So many saints your age can testify to this; Domenico Savio and Maria Goretti, for example.”
Sainthood is the natural path for Christians: “It is not limited to a select few, it is open to everyone,” “with the light and force of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of our Mother Mary. Jesus entrusted her with us before dying on the cross.” The Pope invoked the Virgin Mary to “always guard the beauty of your “yes” to Jesus, her Son, the great, faithful Friend in your life.”
Tens of thousands of young people attended the confirmation event at the Meazza stadium in San Siro, filling the stadium, referred to as “football’s La Scala” to the brim. Along with his speech, the Pope also recited the Angelus prayer here. This afternoon, a meeting will take place with Milan's Government Authorities in the Hall of the Throne at the Archbishopric of Milan.
During the meeting, the Pope is expected to give another speech on the protection of the family and life and on keeping feast days as days of rest.
The day will conclude with the Evening of Witness, the vigil with families, in Bresso Park, at 20:30. Here, the Pope will speak with participants of the World Meeting of Families, in the same place where he will celebrate the event’s final mass tomorrow morning.
Over a million faithful are expected to attend the final mass.