Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, senior prelate of the Society of Saint Pius X, dead at 79

Following a tragic fall, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais fell asleep in the Lord on October 8, 2024 at the age of 79.

Bernard Tissier de Mallerais was born in Sallanches, Haute-Savoie, France, on September 14, 1945. 

After acquiring a master’s degree in biology, he was among the first to enter the International Seminary of Saint Pius X in Fribourg, Switzerland in October 1969. 

Under the mentorship of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the future Bishop Tissier was ordained a priest by the Archbishop in Écône, Switzerland on June 29, 1975.

Following his ordination, Bishop Tissier served the Society of Saint Pius X’s (SSPX) seminary at Écône in multiple roles, first as a professor then rector from 1979 until 1983. In 1984, he was appointed the SSPX’s Secretary General. On June 30, 1988, he was one of four bishops consecrated for the Society by Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Antônio de Castro Mayer. 

From that time, Bishop Tissier traveled the world administering the sacraments of confirmation and ordination, along with preaching retreats and visiting the SSPX’s chapels to provide pastoral care for the faithful.

Beyond his apostolic work, Bishop Tissier is perhaps best known as the author of Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography—the most authoritative account of the Archbishop’s life, ministry, and thought. 

Bishop Tissier was also a featured speaker at Angelus Press’s annual Conference for Catholic Tradition where he spoke on topics ranging from Catholic Action to the Archbishop’s heroic defense of the traditional Latin Mass.

Please join the priests and religious of the SSPX in praying for the soul of Bishop Tissier. His life of service to the cause of Catholic Tradition is and will remain an inspiration for generations to come.