Monday, August 07, 2023

St. Louis archdiocese suspends parish mergers, awaiting Rome’s decision

Peace & Justice Commission of the Archdiocese of St Louis | Catholic  Mobilizing Network (CMN)

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has announced that it will hold off on plans to merge some parishes, to await the results of parishioners’ appeals to Rome.

An archdiocesan reorganization plan, in which mergers would reduce the number of parishes from 178 to 134, went into effect on August 1. 

But the archdiocese suspended the implementation of the plans for parishes that had appealed to the Vatican.

While Archbishop Michael Rozanski had denied the pleas to keep these parishes operating, when they appealed to Rome he suspended the mergers out of “respect for each parishioner’s right to this recourse,” the archdiocese said.