The sisters later tweeted that they have gone to El Salvador to continue their mission to serve the needy.

The rationale used for the decision to seize the convent was that the congregation “failed to comply with its obligations” by not reporting its latest financial statements and because the term of its board of directors had expired in February 2021.

The ministry said that it is now the responsibility of the attorney general’s office to transfer the assets of the congregation, including the convent, to the state.

“The measure adopted against the sisters is arbitrary, to which they now add the confiscation of their real estate,” Molina lamented.

In a statement to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, Molina noted that “the Political Constitution of Nicaragua prohibits confiscation, but it has already become a common practice under the dictatorship, just like in the 1980s.”

The Sisters of the Fraternity of the Poor Ones of Jesus Christ arrived in Nicaragua in 2016 from Brazil, where they were founded by Father Gilson Sobreiro. They are also present in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and El Salvador.