On Friday afternoon (24th January) a box with a pig’s head was delivered to Rome’s
Grand Synagogue.
On Saturday (25th January) another two were delivered to the Israeli
Embassy and the Museum of Rome presently featuring an exhibition of
works by lyceum students on the Shoah.
One box contained an appalling
anti-Semitic letter. The senders remain anonymous.
Swastikas and
Holocaust denying graffiti defiled the walls of the Third Municipality
of Rome.
These unspeakably vile and cowardly acts of anti-Semitism on the eve
of the Sabbath as well as of the international Day of Remembrance which
commemorates the victims of the worst genocide of the past century, are a
sign that anti-Semitic racism in Italy has broken the barriers and
taboos so firmly established by civil society and political forces from
the immediate post-war period up to the present moment.
AJC – the American Jewish Committee – considers this as a serious
signal of alarm, calling for increased vigilance and more incisive
methods of teaching a culture of mutual respect aimed at reinforcing the
moral and ethical values of future generations.
The consequences of indifference towards such acts, as history
teaches us, can lead to a serious degeneration of peaceful coexistence,
and of the democratic fabric of society.
AJC expressed hopes that the authors of this derogatory and intimidating gesture will be brought to justice.