Sunday, March 03, 2013

Vatican issues special stamps, coins marking 'sede vacante' Vatican has begun issuing special-edition stamps and minting special coins marking the "sede vacante," the period when the see of Rome is vacant before the election of a new pope.

The stamps are marked with the "sede vacante" symbol, which is a special striped umbrella extended over a pair of crossed keys, as well as being printed with the words, "Sede Vacante," "Citta del Vaticano" (Vatican City), and the year in Roman numerals.

They began to be issued March 1 in four denominations of 70 and 85 eurocents, 2 and 2.50 euros.

Collectors will have to wait longer for the coins, however, which may be out as late as May, said an official at the Vatican's stamp and coin office.

A 2 euro coin and a silver 5 euro commemorative coin will be issued for sale, while a portion of the 2 euro coins will be put into general circulation.

The "sede vacante" coins will have the denomination on one side and the "sede vacante" symbol on the other.

The coin issue takes longer because Vatican coins are produced by the Italian mint and work is backlogged, the official said. Even the plaster mold of the designs still has to be made, he added.

The last of the Pope Benedict XVI coins, which bear the portrait of the pope, will be issued end of March.