Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Kildare and Leighlin Diocese to hold Faith Congress in March 2013 on from a very successful Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in March 2012, Kildare & Leighlin Diocese are holding a Faith Congress in 2013.

The Congress starts on Friday evening 8th March and concludes on Saturday evening 9th March with the celebration of the Eucharist in the Cathedral in Carlow at 6.15pm

The main congress programme is built around three keynote speakers – Professor Eamon Conway (8pm Friday evening), Rev Dr Ruth Patterson (after Morning prayer 10am Saturday) and Bishop Brendan Kelly (4.30pm Saturday) – that will take place in Carlow Cathedral.

Between the two keynote address on Saturday, there will be two rounds of workshops. 

Each round has 22 workshops which will take place in Carlow College and the Cathedral Parish Centre.  

There will also be opportunities for confession and Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday.

In launching this year's event, Monsignor Brendan Byrne, the Diocesan Administrator stated - "The Year of Faith, announced by Pope Benedict XVI, gives us the perfect context in which to host another Diocesan Congress and so this year our theme is ‘Lord, Increase Our Faith.’ These words taken from the Gospel of St Luke remind us that our faith comes as a gift from God, but, that we are required to respond to it in order that it grow and become the source out of which we live as people of faith.
The challenge offered by Pope Benedict in this Year of Faith is that we pay more attention to the very fundamentals of our faith; the way we pray, our knowledge and understanding of our own faith, the witness we give and our service of those who are in most need. Our speakers and workshop presenters will explore our theme using these strands of knowing, living and praying our faith.

I hope that you will respond to the invitation to be present at our Congress with the same enthusiasm as last year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who are working to make this Congress a success. It is my prayer that as we come together to explore our faith, that in the words of Pope Benedict XVI “we can once again discover the joy of believing”.


There is no charge for our Diocesan Eucharistic Congress but booking is essential as space is limited.  Booking can be done on-line via the diocesan website - -  or via a postal booking form that is attached to Congress brouchure.  

Closing date – 25th February 2013

Donations towards costs will be gratefully accepted during Congress and at the Concluding Celebration of the Eucharist.