The president of the Latin American Bishops’ Council, Cardinal
Raymundo Damasceno Assis, is calling for renewed vocational and
missionary zeal among the baptized.
The cardinal made his comments during the final address of the second
Latin American Continental Congress on Vocations, which took place Jan.
31-Feb. 5 in Cartago, Costa Rica.
Cardinal Damasceno, who is also Archbishop of Aparecida, Brazil,
said, “Let us renew our vocational and missionary zeal, and in his Word,
let us cast our nets so that the miracle of an abundance of vocations
will continue to repeat itself.”
He said the bishops' congress aimed to strengthen “the vocational
culture so that the baptized would assume their call to be missionary
disciples of Christ in the current circumstances of Latin America and
the Caribbean.”
The cardinal also announced that participants in the congress will
issue a final document that will address “the future of vocations in
Latin American and Caribbean Church.”