Monday, November 15, 2010

Pope says crisis requires balanced and ethical choices that respect the earth

The economic crisis, which was also discussed at the G20, is but another aspect of "severe" problems such as "the continuing imbalance between wealth and poverty, the scandal of hunger, environmental emergencies now also widespread, and the problem of unemployment".   

A situation which, the Pope said today must be addressed by a change in the choices of states, especially the rich ones, and of lifestyles.

Speaking in St Peter's Square where at least 40 thousand people had gathered, many from Italian confraternities, before the Angelus the Pope took his cue from today's celebration in Italy of the Thanksgiving Sunday to address the economic crisis, while after the Marian prayer, he called for peace for Iraq, solidarity for Haiti and participation in a prayer vigil for the unborn, which he will celebrate next Saturday, November 27.

Before the Angelus, Benedict XVI highlighted how "the current economic crisis, also recently discussed by the so-called G20 meeting, must be addressed in all its seriousness, it has numerous causes and strongly calls for a comprehensive review of the global economic development model (see Enc. Caritas in Veritate, 21). It is an acute symptom that is added to other more serious and already well known ones, such as the continuing imbalance between wealth and poverty, the scandal of hunger, environmental emergencies and the now all too widespread problem of unemployment. In this context, it is a decisive strategic revitalization of agriculture is evidently needed. In fact, the process of industrialization has sometimes overshadowed the agricultural sector, which, while in turn benefiting from the knowledge and modern techniques, has lost its importance, with significant consequences on a cultural level. I think the time has come for a call to reassess the agriculture sector, not in a nostalgic sense, but as an indispensable resource for the future".

"In the current economic situation - he continued - the temptation for the most dynamic economies is to seek out beneficial alliances which, however, may prove more onerous for the poorest states, prolonging the situation of extreme poverty for masses of men and women and draining the Earth's natural resources, entrusted to man by God the Creator - as the Book of Genesis tells us - to cultivate and safeguard it (cf. 2:15). Moreover, despite the crisis, in countries of ancient industrialization lifestyles of an unsustainable consumption are still being encouraged, which are harmful both to the environment and the poor. Therefore, a concerted effort must be made to pursue a new balance between agriculture, industry and services, so that development is sustainable, no-ne lack’s bread and work, and the air, water and other primary resources are preserved as a universal goods (cf. Enc. Caritas in Veritate, 27). Key to this is the nurturing and spreading of a clear ethical awareness, capable of meeting the most complex challenges of our time, educate everyone to a wise and responsible consumption, promote personal responsibility along with the social dimension of rural activities, based on perennial values such as hospitality, solidarity, sharing in the hard work. No small amount of young people have already chosen this path, even many graduates return to dedicate themselves to farming, thus wanting to respond not only to a personal and family need, nut also to a sign of the times, to a concrete feeling for the common good". 

The gift of peace for Iraq was also invoked by the Pope after the Angelus, together with an appeal to the international community to "generously support" the people of Haiti, who "because of the terrible earthquake in January, are now suffering for a serious outbreak of cholera. "

"On Saturday 27 November - he concluded - in St Peter's Basilica, I will preside at Vespers for the first Sunday of Advent and a prayer vigil for unborn life. The initiative is shared with the particular Churches throughout the world and I've recommended it be also held in parishes, religious communities, associations and movements. The period of preparation for Christmas is a good time to invoke divine protection upon every human being called into existence, and also as a thanksgiving to God for the gift of life received from our parents. "