CEREMONIAL chalice blessed by Pope Benedict XVI and used during his
mass at Cofton Park has been officially presented to the city of
The ornate cup, one of a set used during the celebration attended by
more than 50,000 pilgrims in September is a gift from the Roman
Catholic Church.
City equalities
chief Alan Rudge was presented with the chalice in recognition of his
assistance in organising the landmark visit on behalf of the city
The presentation was made by the Roman Catholic Church of England and Wales.
Coun Rudge (Con, Sutton Vesey) said; “The Cofton Park service and
the Beatification of Cardinal Newman, was a momentous event in the
history of this city.
“More than 1.2 billion people around the world saw television pictures of the service beamed from
“I was delighted to have been presented with the Papal Cup by the Catholic Church in recognition of the warm welcome Pope Benedict received from the city.
“It is part of a set. Some are kept at the Vatican and some by St
Chad’s Cathedral, and it is quite rare for a city to be presented with
“Everyone in Birmingham should be proud that the Church recognised the welcome this city gave to Pope Benedict XVI.”
chalice will be given pride of place alongside the civic memorabilia in
a display cabinet outside the Lord Mayor’s Parlour in the Council
It will eventually be passed on to the Museum and Art Gallery to be
displayed as a special piece of Birmingham history alongside an
exhibition devoted to the Papal visit.