Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Greens hit back at 'out-of-touch' Pell

The Greens have retaliated after Sydney's Catholic Archbishop Cardinal George Pell launched a scathing attack on their party.

In an opinion piece in the Sunday Telegraph, Cardinal Pell labelled the Greens "anti-Christian" and "sweet-camouflaged poison".

Cardinal Pell also claimed the Greens policies are expensive and will not help poor people.

But Greens leader Bob Brown says Cardinal Pell is just dog whistling.

"The Australian Greens' policies for a more compassionate society and more sharing society, more dignified society are the most in line with Christian beliefs," he said.

"The problem for Archbishop Pell is that he's out of touch with mainstream Australia and many, many Catholics.

"I suspect he's blowing a dog whistle for a Abbott-Abetz government in future, and that's a much harsher government than the compassionate policies the Greens are putting forward."

Greens Senate candidate Lin Hatfield Dodds, who was national director of UnitingCare, says her party's policies are very much aligned with Christian values.

Ms Hatfield Dodds says Cardinal Pell is simply barracking for his "old mate" Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

"It's no secret that Cardinal Pell and Tony Abbott are fairly good mates," she said.

"I think it's good that political leaders have friends from across the religious spectrum.

"I guess where it gets a bit dangerous is where we see political endorsements or disendorsements come from religious or church leaders. For me, that is starting to cross a bit of a line."

She says Cardinal Pell's attack is "very disappointing".

"I've witnessed the Greens' powerful advocacy for the poor and disadvantaged," she said.

"I've seen the Greens stand up for the environment, I've seen the Greens stand for a voice for everybody and they are all core things to the Christian faith."

Earlier this week the Greens dismissed claims by the Australian Christian Lobby that they are anti-religion.