Saturday, June 01, 2013

Changes At CW

It is with regret that we announce the departure of the following staff from CW

Editor : Seán Keohane

Vatican & Europe : Kevin Toal

USA : Katherin Longlay

These departures are effective as and from June 1st 2013.

We wish to thank them for their time, energy and especially their committment to broadening and developing the site and its news content over the last few years. We wish them well as they continue to take on their new positions with their respective new employers.

It is with joy that we now announce the following:

Editor : Kieran McCartan

Deputy Editor : Marcin Owiski

Ireland/UK News : To Be Announced

Vatican/Europe : Jonas Worski (1 year appointment)

USA : Celine Zabucki & David Matthews

These new appointments become effective upon the resignations of those departing on 1st June 2013 and we welcome Marcin and David to the team. 

Thanks also to Celine for taking on the USA reporters position and we have no doubt that David will learn well from her due to her time as deputy editor.

The Ireland/UK position is open for consideration at the moment and once the new reporter has been appointed, their name shall be announced here in due course.



Editor CW