Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pope: the crisis shows us that rules are needed to guide the economy towards the common good

The current global economic crisis proves that the rules and values that have dominated the economy in past years need to be replaced by a concept that its “respectful of the needs and rights of the weakest”, a theme that Benedict XVI will go into in greater depth in his encyclical “soon” to be published.

The Pope himself spoke about it, specifying that the document will contain points that “are objectives to be pursued and values to be tirelessly promoted and defended by all Christians, with that aim of realising a human coexistence that is truly free and supportive”.

The meeting in the Vatican with members of the “Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice” Foundation, gave Benedict XVI the perfect opportunity to return to the theme of the global economic crisis and the development model that caused it.

“Today’s’ meeting takes on a particular significance and value in light of the situation all humanity is living at this moment in time. In fact, the financial and economic crisis that has hit industrialised, emerging and developing nations clearly shows us that the economic-financial paradigms that have dominated in recent years must be re-thought”.

“I am pleased to learn – he continued – that you have examined, in particular, interdependence between institutions, businesses and market starting from, in accordance with the encyclical Centesimus annus of my venerated predecessor John Paul II, the reflection that recognizes the fundamental and positive role of business, the market, private property and the resulting responsibility for the means of production, as well as free human creativity in the economic sector’ (n. 42), which can be a path of economic and civic progress only if oriented towards the common good (n. 43). This vision however must be accompanied by another reflection into which the freedom in the economic sector must be inserted ‘within a strong juridical framework which places it at the service of human freedom in its totality, and which sees it as a particular aspect of that freedom, the core of which is ethical and religious’ (n. 42). Opportunely the aforementioned encyclical states: ‘Just as the person fully realizes himself in the free gift of self, so too ownership morally justifies itself in the creation, at the proper time and in the proper way, of opportunities for work and human growth for all’ (n. 43)”.

“As you all know – he concluded - my next encyclical, soon-to-be published, is dedicated to the vast theme of the economy and work: it will evidence the objectives that Christians must pursue and the values Christians must promote and defend tirelessly, in order to realize a world in which all people can live together in a manner that is truly free and based on mutual assistance”.

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Source (AN)

SV (2)