Monday, June 08, 2009

Basilica status sought for New York's Old St Patrick's

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan will ask the Pope to bestow the title of basilica on Little Italy's St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, which began its bicentennial celebration on Sunday.

The venerable Mott St. church would be the first in the Archdiocese of New York to get the prestigious designation, given only to churches of the highest historic and spiritual significance, the New York Daily News reports.

"I just think it deserves it," said Dolan, who made the surprise announcement from the altar while celebrating a bicentennial Mass yesterday. "I'm so proud of this old cathedral."

St Patrick's Old Cathedral is being honored in large part for its place in the spiritual lives of the waves of immigrants to the lower East Side.

Dolan will soon make a formal presentation to Pope Benedict on behalf of St Patrick's Old Cathedral, said archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling.

"If the Pope does name the Old Cathedral a basilica, it is a very special and very rare honor," Zwilling said.

"It is granted to churches with special prominence or significance in the life of a diocese - and in the case of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, in the life of the Catholic Church in this country."

The Old Cathedral has a proud history as an immigrants' church.

Its first archbishop, John Hughes, saved the church from being burned down by anti-Catholic mobs in 1844.

"Dagger John," as he was known because he drew Christ's cross as part of his signature, rallied the Ancient Order of Hibernians to stand guard outside the church building.

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Source (CTHUS)