Friday, October 12, 2007

Clerical Censorship In Ireland

One would be forgiven for thinking that Ireland was still under the control of the Purple Parliament in Maynooth this week considering the legal result of a particular action this week which has prevented a book from being published...thus far.

Last year, when this blogspot started in the later days of December, it was notified that a certain book was hopefully going to hit the shelves but this came to nothing...

The book would relate the trials and tribulations of a young cleric in Ireland and how he was being dealt with by the hierarchy, who took exception to the possibility of their being exposed for hypocrites...

...and the genuine stories of a few high ranking clerics who were (and probably still are) having both heterosexual and homosexual liaisons with clergy and laity alike... irregularities due to the overspending of certain priests and a bishop or two on their loved ones...

...suppressed documents in relation to very recent allegations of Child Sex Abuse...

...illegal interaction between Church and State which resulted in the unlawful dismissal of a serving officer of An Garda Siochana...

...false allegations against a cleric resulting in false imprisonment by An Garda Siochana...

...same said cleric had made serious allegations against a bishop who failed to act in relation to Child Sex Abuse allegations and bishop did not appreciate being reminded of such said allegations after his failure to act...

...priest against whom such allegations were made still serves in a parish with full access to children despite bishop knowing the evidence is credible but refuses to hand over files to authorities...

...authorities are aware but have also failed to act...

No wonder every effort and attempt has been made by those scarlet clad cloven hoofed eminences to prevent such actions and failures being made public as indeed it would open up a whole new series of corruption they would rather allow ignore...but they should not forget that these things have a way of making it into the public domain...

And with that in mind, Clerical Whispers has offered the author of this suppressed work the option of having some of the chapters placed here and available to those who wish to see how rotten in Catholic Ireland things truly are and whereby when we try to clean it up from within, those who have most to fear clamp down!!

Personally speaking, I would love to see this book in print because God knows we need to clean up from within before we tell others get their own house in order and maybe, just maybe from learning from the mistakes and arrogance of others we will know what to avoid and how to reconcile with those who place their trust in us each and every day of their lives.

They look up to us but that does not mean we have the right to look down at them...we are all equals!!!

Sotto Voce