Fr. Walter Vinci, the Postulator of the cause of the Beatification of the Servant of God Alexandre Toé, is expected to be in attendance.  

In a message published February 28, the Superior General of Camillians, Fr. Pedro Tramontin, provides further details about the March 15 rite.

“The opening ceremony of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization will begin at 12:00 with the reading of the Decree of introduction and the ‘nulla osta’ of the Holy See, the installation of the tribunal, appointed by the Cardinal Vicar, and the swearing-in of the members of the tribunal and those of the general postulation of our Order,” Fr. Tramontin says.

The describes the planned ceremony as a “a great joy for our entire Camillian family.”

“Father Alexandre Toé is an example for all of us and supports us in our journey towards eternal life,” he says, and adds, “We feel that he is our sincere friend, our confrere, whom we can trust because he wanted the good of all.”

“In his diary, he wrote: My God, I make this declaration of love to you. I love you and I want to love you even more. I want to love everyone with true love. Be in my heart and I will be in yours,” the MI Superior General says.

He continues, “In prayer, we thank the Lord for this great gift that He has given to our religious family.”

“May we also, following his example, make our declaration of love to the Lord by serving all those He has entrusted to our care, seeking holiness every day. In the coming days, we will send you the poster, prayers, and detailed invitation so that you too can participate, pray, and celebrate together this moment of Grace for our Camillian family,” Fr. Tramontin implores.

Born in 1967 in Boromó, Burkina Faso to Samuele Toé and Giuditta Parè, Fr. Toé was baptized on 25 December 1967 and received the Sacrament of Confirmation on 8 May 1986.

It was during his second final year (third year of high school) that he committed himself to seriously considering the call of the Lord.