Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Priests ask bishops to stall Missal

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhBkqGp6XbNhEYoFuwY0BSLCOw2Ci3o0S-8KdAqvQe2I_MrsQiYZNEBbiQ61mG9SO0XTUK2syiyVr9TiJKsZdQXzRj1JL1PUfHpRgRUHd0obbUZ1H5oqZ8d2Te56bwX2hgPXP9uu701RtU/s1600/roman_missal.jpgThe members of the German Priests' Initiative for church reform have written to their respective bishops asking them not to approve the new German translation of the Missal.

"We urgently appeal to you not to put the new Missal into practice but to leave the present translation in place for the moment, even if a tremendous amount of time and effort have been put into it (the new translation)," the letter says.

The reason for their appeal, the priests say, is that they regard the linguistic register of the new translation as inappropriate.

The letter is signed by Frs Karl Feser and Klaus Kempter in the name of the German Priests' Initiative, which was founded in 2007.