Sunday, June 02, 2013

Enniscorthy Eucharistic Gathering/ Faith Festival
The parishes of St Aidan’s and St Senan’s in Enniscorthy town jointly present the Enniscorthy Eucharistic Gathering/ Faith Festival.

The celebrations will be officially opened by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and closed by Bishop Denis Brennan. 

During the week-end Enniscorthy castle will play host to an exhibition of various religious artefacts and photographs showcasing the celebration of faith in the diocese throughout the ages.

The weekend will also be packed with a wide range of events including witness talks by top speakers Mr John Waters and Micky Harte (Tyrone Football Manager), Maeve Carlin and Bishop Brendan Leahy. We will also have youth events and school programs. 

The aim of the Eucharistic Gathering is to reach out to everyone not only in our own Diocese but further afield and encourage them to join with us as we celebrate our faith.

I have attached the programme of events for the week-end and for more information please check our website at