Despite my attempts to narrow down the system so as to present the top 5 in the 4 categories, it was next to near impossible so the following list gives the popularity rating of the stories carried on the blog for the period covered…
1. Same Sex Unions / Rights
2. Clerical Errors etc…
3. Vatican Diplomacy, Meetings etc…
4. Ecumenism
5. Papal Pronouncements
6. Parsons Parodies
7. Abortion
8. Contributions
9. Child Sex Abuse
10. Love, Marriage, Sex
Italian Bishops Not Happy at Proposed Legislation
Government to Submit Same Sex unions Bill (Italy)
1st Gay Couple Weds (Mexico)
Jews Battle New Gay Law (UK)
Religious Unity Through Homosexuality (UK)
RC Church Failing To Prevent Homophobic Bullying In Schools (UK)
Tale Of 2 Catholics (NZ)
RC Church Responds To Homophobic Bullying Allegations (UK)
Same Sex Adoptions – Blair Offers Resolution (UK)
Most Homophobic Country – Northern Ireland
Gay Bashing GP (UK)

Ministry To Homosexuals – Westminster Diocese (UK)
Gay Union Bill Approved (Italy)
Vatican Gay Witch Hunt Begins (USA)
Civil & Same Sex Union – Bishops Prepare Document (Italy)
Disney Threatens Galway Gay Society (Ireland)
Gaydar Founder Dead (Universal)
Same Sex Rights Under Attack (France)
Anglican Angst At Gay Rights (Tanzania)
RC Nun Praised By Stonewall (USA)
Same Sex Adoptions (USA)
RC Church Will Break Law (Scotland)
Il Papa Stirring The Shit Again!! (Vatican)
80% in Favour of Same Sex Rights (Italy)
Il Papa Family Law Handbook Published (Vatican)
Sexual Orientation Regulations – Time Up (??) (UK)
Il Papa Told To Back Off By Politicians (Italy)
Il Papa Responds To Politicians (Vatican)
“No Same Sex Unions Here” says RC Bishop (Puerto Rico)
Gay Mass Allowed (UK)
Watch Your (Gay) Language (Scotland)
Vatican Warned About Opposition To Same Sex Unions (Italy)
2. Clerical Errors etc…
Priests Not Toeing Vatican Line (Vatican)
Vatican Anger Continues (Vatican)
S(e)oul Of Millingo (1)
Bishop Not Allowed Contest Election (Paraguay)
Priest Suspended In Attack Arrested (USA)
S(e)oul Of Millingo (2)
Il Papa No Laicise (Paraguay)
Group Says John Paul II To Return as Anti-Christ (Universal)
Majority of Polish RC Priests Want To Marry
Polish Prelate Meets Il Papa
SSPX Upsetting Orthodox Church (Ukraine)
AIDS Ministry Closes (USA)
(Catholic) Bloggers Not Appreciated (Universal)
Controversial Bishops Beware (Universal)
Clerical Assault Priest Waives Extradition Rights (USA)
Chinese Cathedral Set For Official Re-Opening
Racism In The Religious Life?
Terna List For Diocese Of Ossory (Ireland)
Ordinations A Sign Of Hope (Iraq)
Care Of Bishops Souls – Lay Movements Can Help (Vatican)
Bishop Speaks Of Excommunication (Austria)
Battle Of The Bishops (Italy)
Galway Novena A Success – Flannery (Ireland)
Chinese Ordinations An Act Of War – Zen (Vatican)
Pentecost Worries Vatican
Bertone – the Next Il Papa ? (Vatican)
Sisters Out! – Vatican Orders (Vatican & Germany)
Slight Growth In Number of RC Clergy (Vatican)
Priests Wrongly Accused (Prague)
1st RC Bishop Appointed (Nepal)
Orthodox Church Split (Ukraine)
Review Of Protection Guidelines (UK)
Millingo Missing from Annuario Pontificio (Vatican)
Polish Scarlett Pimpernel (12, 13,14 & 15)
Trouble In The Big Apple (USA)
Irish Presbyterian Moderator Appointed (Ireland)
RC Church ‘Strong’ (India)
Dignitas Attacks Il Papa(s)
Sexual Assault Priest In Court (USA)
Clerical Protests (Romania)
Church In Crisis (Universal)
Clerical Imbalances (Vatican)
RC To Become Largest Faith in UK (UK)
Child Marriage Ban By RC Bishops (India)
‘Little Pebble’ In Big Trouble (Australia)
RC Bishops ‘No’ To Easter Sunday Trading
State Law v Church Law (USA)
Il Papa’s Letter to South Korea
New Canon Lawyer in Vatican
Zen Stirring It With China? (Vatican)
Lead Us Not Into Temptation (USA)
Sex Crimes Cover Up by Vatican (USA & Vatican)
Archdiocese In The Docks (3) (Ireland)
KGB v Pius XII (Vatican)
Church Restored (Cuba)
Sweet Bleeding Jesus (India)

Final (Episcopal) Countdown (USA)
3. Vatican Diplomacy, Meetings etc…
Vatican Defends Popes Publisher
Vietnam & Vatican Diplomacy (1 & 2)
Il Papa v China (8 & 9)
‘No To Violence Or War’ – Vatican Nuncio
Il Papa Speaks Orthodox
Vatican Ignores Human Rights Again!
Vatican Outrage at Jesus Costume (1&2)
Il Papa to Meet St Augustine
Il Papa Speaks to Roman Rota – On Marriage
Catholic Honour for Israeli Writer
3rd Catholic Church Burnt (Ukraine)
Zen – Papal Letter Due At Easter
Mt. Zion – No Resolution
UN Address on Behalf of Il Papa
Troubles at Mosque (Jerusalem)
RC Clergy Visit Israel
RC Reviews Its History (Slovakia)
Accord Averts Nuclear Catastrophe (North Korea)
Il President Meet Il Papa (?) (Ireland)
Vatican Silence In Slovakia
Vatican & China Under Observation
Caritas in (North) Korea
Michelangelo en-suite in Vatican (?)
Church & State Agree About School Patronage (Ireland)
State – Church Dialogue Possible (Italy)
4. Ecumenism
Catholic Oriental Orthodox Commission Report

Ecumenism Through Politics
Ut Unum Sint
Anglican RC in UK Back Plan To Unite
Archdiocese of Brisbane in Favour
Clarification: re Anglican RC Church Relations
5. Papal Pronouncements
Saints Only Human
World Day of the Sick (Plenary Indulgence Granted)

Il Papa Speaks…but not fully.
Challenge of Society
Special Vocation of Consecrated Men & Women
Euthanasia – Compassion No Excuse
World Youth Day
Global Day of Prayer
Marriage Commitment Foundation of Early Church
The Christ of Benedict XVI
Lenten Message
Tragedy Is Not Knowing God
Women Responsible for Church Growth
Celibacy For Life
RC Church ‘Alive & Young’
‘Lobbyists Anti-Family’
‘Violence Not The Answer’
7 Key Challenges for Latin America
6. Parsons Parodies
Nuns on the Run
Pin-Up Il Papa

Racy & Lacy In The Vatican
Vatican The Whore Master (?)
7. Abortion
Abortion Poll Sun 11th Feb 2007
Pro-Abortion Portugal (?)
RC Church fighting for ‘NO’ Vote
SIM (Yes) To Abortion in Portugal
Abortion Law Revisited (USA)

Abortion Clinic for Lisbon
RC Bishops Unite with Pro-Life Groups (Portugal)
Vote for Life (Ireland)
8. Contributions
Gay Man Reconcile with Catholic Upbringing
A Pink Reformation
Christian Principles Outlawed (?)
Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Saint Calendar
What Happened to Confession?

Evangelising The Homosexual…
Religion – The Violent Killer (?)
Homosexuality In The Bible
RC Church & Sexual Abstinence
RC Fundamentalism
Who Wants to be a Priest?
Sex is neither Sin nor Sacrament
RC Church to Decide its Stance on Same Sex Unions
Changing Faith – A Personal Story
Some Manly Advice
Relating to the Opposite Sex
Jean Vanier on Addressing Depression
Defection – Guidelines Published
Ashes – Not Just For Catholics
9. Child Sex Abuse
O’Gorman Not Happy (Again!!) (Irl.)
Sex Offender to be Extradited (Irl.)
National Child Protection Office – Board Announced (Irl.)
Abuse Files To Be Released (USA)
Diocese to update CSA Investigations (USA)
Garda Failure In Porn Ring (Irl.)

Gardaí Off Hook Again!! (Irl.)
Child Abusers Escape Prosecution (Irl.)
Ex-Cardinal to Meet Child Abuse Commission (Irl.)
No Mobile Porn – Bishop (Canada)
Forces of Corruption & Collusion (Irl.)
Postpone Children’s Charter Call (Irl.)
Advertising for CSA Victims (USA)
Diocese Filing for Bankruptcy (USA)
10. Love/Marriage/Sex…
Teenagers Get Sex Ed. from Mags (UK)
Condom Machines in Schools (Brazil)
Marriage ‘An Act of Heroism’ (UK)
Love…as Ancient as Time (Italy)

Media Responsible for Underage Sex (Kenya)
No Divorce Thanks, We’re Catholic (USA)
St Valentines Blessing
‘Give of Each Other to Each Other’ (Irl.)
‘Sex Good, Love Sacred’ (Australia)
Marriage is for Life (Vatican)
Irish? Wedding? Nikako… (1&2)
Free Condom Handout ‘Immoral’ (USA)
RC F***ing Around sans Condoms in NY (USA)
……and that is all I have to offer for now only to advise that with the onset of Lent, I will be posting a daily thought on blogspot and it will be part of a theme for this season entitled ‘A Journey of Reflection’
I sincerely hope you will be able join me for it and in case you think it will not be possible locate it on the blogspot, it will be indicated with the following picture to highlight its position….

February despite it being a somewhat quiet month in many places and in different ways was nonetheless a busy one in so many ways, and the main headlines to begin with for the month were of the Italian bishops protesting strongly against the Italian Government's decision to grant same sex couples legal recognition.
Within a matter of days however, they were called to focus their minds on 2 other issues which came to light namely that the clergy both in Italy and universally were not giving what the Vatican considered due deference to the Vatican and the Pope.
That was the least of their worries when it became known that a journalist had gone to different clergy in different parishes and under the confessional was given different advice by the majority on moral issues which should have been more consistent with Church teaching.
A few light moments were there also in the shape of the tax avoiding nuns on the run in Greece and then the pictures of Il Papa which portray him in almost pin up mode (God help us all).
Back to the serious stuff again when the true knowledge of the levels of religious illiteracy became known whilst the situations with China and Millingo rumbled on and Vietnam began to strengthen its diplomatic ties with the Vatican.
The 1st gay couple wed in Mexico and then back to the UK where the Cardinal (O'Connor Murphy) showed his true colours (pink not being one of them) when he attempted to use the pulpit to blackmail the Government into reneging on proposed legislation which would outlaw discrimination in relation to adoptions by same sex couples.
Not even out of that particular minefield, a claim was made by the RC in the UK that not all of the Bible was credible and factual but this was overshadowed then when a report was issued which criticised the RC run schools which were found to be overtly tolerant of homophobic bullying on their premises which was vehemently challenged by the hierarchy but later accepted as 'perhaps unacceptably true' - so in other words guilty as charged!!
Portugal went to the polls in relation to abortion and despite the narrowest of margins, it was carried through by the prime minister and president and thus enacted as legislation. Over in the late Pope John Paul II's homeland of Poland, a mini-clerical survey found that the vast majority of priests expressed their wish to be able to get married whilst down in Uruguay the laity were not only actively attending church but were proving that the laity are indeed the church.
The euthanasia debate rumbled on not just in Europe but indeed right around the world, whilst Brazil was now introducing condoms in their schools and France was using the Latin Mass in some dioceses. CSA files in the USA were to be released and the Pope due to issue letter to the Chinese Church at Easter, whilst a cathedral was opened in on China mainland.
Nuns admitted there was rife racism in some religious orders, whilst ordinations took place in Iraq and the Diocese of Ossory here in Ireland was circulating names on its terna list for a new bishop.
Northern Ireland was declared to be the most homophobic country in western world (Vatican must have been left out of that study!!) whilst Il Papa was writing his new book on Christ (hopefully more Christian than Il Papa himself) and an Austrian bishop threatened excommunication!!
The Archdiocese of Westminster started an outreach programme to the gay community (did the Cardinal know?) and Italy approved of gay union bill in parliament and Ireland was at the centre of an international porn ring and the failure of the police force there to act on important information.
Vatican gay witch hunt began in America whilst Il Papa again considered the Latin Mass as a possible solution to declining numbers in all areas of the Church and Cardinal Bertone was tipped to succeed Benedict XVI.
Nuns were ordered from convent by order of Vatican in Poland; America re-visited its abortion laws and child abusers in Ireland escaped the wrath of the law. The Nazi history of Ireland was also thrown into the public domain leaving a few red faces but no Government action (surprise surprise) and Cardinal Emeritus Connell was to meet Child Abuse Commission (should have been interesting) and Vatican stated there was a slight rise in numbers of clergy worldwide.
Nepal got its 1st Catholic bishop, homosexuality in the bible was discussed, Orthodox Church in Ukraine is split, Il Papa issued Lenten Message 2007 and Archbishop Millingo is not named in the Annuario Pontificio.
Poland still embroiled over actions of clergy under old Communist rule who engaged with the secret police and spied on colleagues, new Presbyterian moderator appointed in Ireland, Il Papa slammed by Dignitas in German media, and a warning that Fundamentalism is slowly creeping into the RC Church.
Disney prevents a staging of Sister Act in Ireland, RC Church in Slovakia reviews its history, same sex rights under attack in France, RC Church in crisis in Czech Republic, clerical imbalances in Europe and Africa, gay rights in Anglican church is almost schismatic and Vatican acknowledges role of women whilst still denying them ordination.
RC set to become dominant faith in UK, child marriage banned by RC Church in India, Australian bishops object to Easter Sunday trading whilst their counterparts in Portugal come out against the abortion vote in favour of providing such a service.
Church and State law clash in USA, Poland still rumbles on with its past, Scottish RC bishops threaten to defy law, Irish wedding couples not welcome in either Croatia or Florence with no doubt others to follow, and Irish president meets Il Papa.
Slavery, temperance from alcohol, changing of faith, sex and celibacy are also in there.
Collusion between Church and State in Ireland is highlighted yet again, free condom handout in NYC, 80% in favour of same sex rights in Italy (Vatican dismayed) and new Canon Lawyer to the Pope appointed.
Cardinal Zen stirring trouble in China (again), defection guidelines published by Vatican, clerical financial improprities in USA, celibacy discussed again and Italian politicians tell Vatican to basically f**k off only for Il Papa to come back with his own response (expletives definitely removed for that one!!).
UN under attack by Vatican, whilst also covering up more Child Sex Abuse cases, and the lead in to Lent 2007 begins...
Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly in Ireland in the legal docks for also trying to abdicate its responsibilities, and in UK a gay mass is celebrated (with blessing of Cardinal), and rumours of KGB attempts to smear Pius XII.
Laity and hierarchy not in agreement on many many issues, dioceses in USA filing for bankruptcy, Anglican and RC churches aim to unite (later denied), Italian parliament warns Vatican about opposition to same sex rights, RC Church in Czech Republic worried at opening of secret police files, Malta new bishop speaks contrary to Vatican teachings, and then we lead into Lent and the remainder of the month of March........