Saturday, January 21, 2012

Croatia: The Church is pushing for a “yes” vote in the referendum on the EU

The Croatian Catholic Church is calling on people to vote “yes” in next Sunday’s referendum on Croatia’s entry to the European Union.  

“We invite all Croatian citizens and faithful to push all their fears and resignations to one side and welcome the future with courage.” 

This was the message sent out by the Croatian Episcopal Conference in a communiqué, diffused by Zabgreb’s media.  

Recalling what Pope Benedict XVI had once said – “Croatia is part of Europe’s thousand year old culture and civilization,” bishops say they wish for a “better and safer future within this society rather than outside it.”  

The vast majority of Croatians, approximately 90%, are Catholics, and the Church plays a crucial role in this former Yugoslav Country. 

The latest surveys seem to favour Croatia as a candidate for entry to the EU, with 58% for and 23% against.