The presidential delegate in the Biobío Region, Daniela Dresdner, told the local press Oct. 2 that a bottle with flammable liquid had been found in the chapel. “This was a fire involving third parties,” she stated, adding that an investigation is underway to find those responsible.

Bishop Tomislav Koljatic of the Diocese of Linares in a statement posted on the diocesan website expressed his “profound pain at the arson attack suffered at St. Joseph Parish in [the city of] Constitución.”

According to the text, the fire occurred the morning of Oct. 1 and “damaged part of the altar, chancel chairs, and some articles used in worship.”

“Thanks to God, and to the timely response to the fire by parishioners and city firefighters, there are no victims or serious damage to regret. All the information has been placed in the hands of the police, who we hope will soon issue an official report,” the statement added.

The diocese stressed that events like this “attack freedom of worship, a fundamental right that must be protected.”

“We unite our prayer, accompaniment, and closeness to Father Gonzalo Aravena, the pastor of St. Joseph’s, and to the entire Christian community of Constitución,” the text concludes.