Friday, January 03, 2025

Parishes should follow Vatican advice on ‘LGBTQIA+’ topics

Following an event in a Dublin parish where a speaker who identified as transgender addressed the congregation during an ‘LGBTQIA+ Christmas Carol Service’, a leading academic on Catholic sexual ethics has said the issue is “complicated” and that parishes should refer to the Church’s recently published document on human dignity if unsure how to approach topics like transgenderism.

Speaking after the event in Donore Avenue Parish, Dublin, Dr John Murray, a lecturer in Dublin City University’s School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music said that it’s important to get the balance right on occasions like this one.

“It’s complicated and I don’t know much about it apart from the link on social media,” he said. “There might have been elements of the event that are balanced. If that were the case that would be good because at least you would have included in an evening an affirmation of the Gospel and an affirmation of the teaching of Christ and the teaching of the Church about marriage and the goodness of marriage and the goodness of creation.

“All of these very important truths that are integral parts of the Catholic Faith and are also supported by human reason, so science and common sense and sound ethics. I hope they would be gently but firmly affirmed in every Catholic parish in appropriate ways.”

Dr Murray cited the present Pope’s approach to the debate as “a good model” because of its emphasis on welcome, but also because he’s not afraid to speak out against some of the “theory, ideology, or activism” when necessary.

“Francis is a good model of a two-pronged approach,” he said. “You have on the one hand this friendly, welcoming, accompanying attitude – and that’s good. But at the same time he’s not afraid to criticise elements of theory, ideology, or activism that is in contradiction to the Gospel and the good of human beings.

“Both are needed but it’s a difficult thing to do because we could mislead people or give a mixed-message to people who might think the teachings are bad or outdated or are going to be changed and that isn’t true. These teachings are important parts of the Gospel and they are important for how we understand human beings and family and marriage.”

Advising parishes should they be unsure of how to approach areas like transgenderism in the future, Dr Murray recommended that parishes follow the message contained in the document the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published last year on human dignity, Dignitas Infinita.

“It’s a document that’s very relevant to the whole trans issue,” he said. “It’s got some important sections in it that are very affirming of dignity but it also makes clear that to affirm dignity doesn’t mean to deny sexual difference and the reality between male and female.

“This document will be a very helpful source or guidance for parishes and schools and for Catholics generally.”