On Saturday March 3rd, Cardinal Seán Brady was to visit St Josephs Church in Limerick city as the guest of Limerick Choral Society (as previously reported here) and was to lead in Evening Vespers and this was due to begin at about 5pm.
Before this was due to happen, the family at the centre of the disgusting and immoral behaviour of one 'Fr' Jerry Brouder decided to stage a visible but low key protest near to St Johns Cathedral. The car was parked lawfully, and the signage was placed on the roof of the vehicle the wording of which was very simple and basic enough - "gay biz cover up - fr gerry brouder fr tony mullins - are you paying for it? www.clericalwhispers.blogspot.com"
However, it seemed to cause some concern amongst the right wingers of the Church who put a call through to An Garda Síochána and it was responded to in very quick time (a new record for the Gardaí in Limerick no doubt!!).
The Gardaí approached the vehicle and questioned the occupant in such a way as to imply that they were breaking the law and when it was pointed out that the car was publicly parked with paid parking fee etc the Garda then said that by being parked where he was, the occupier of the vehicle was making life 'very difficult' for the Gardaí!!!
The Garda went on to state that it was not lawful for this to be happening and tried to encourage the occupier and his vehicle to cease and desist, and when again it was pointed out that the protest was lawful, the Garda stooped to the usual tactics - try and find something by which it can be deemed unlawful just so that the person can be criminalised.....the Garda in question went to the tax insurance and NCT certs on the window (all in order) checked tyres and the rest of the car in case it might be somehow defective...all to no avail!!!
At this stage, the Garda was conscious of the gathering congregants at the Cathedral and that the Cardinal would be arriving within a matter of minutes and so decided to radio into base....and duly advised the occupant of the vehicle that under subsection of subsection etc etc that the protest could be considered as incitement to hatred!!!
He was threatened with arrest under Section 7 (1) Public Order Act 1994
He was threatened with arrest under Section 7 (1) Public Order Act 1994
The signs were removed from the roof of the vehicle and the driver brought to Roxboro Garda Station (Limerick) and advised that again his protest could have been deemed to be incitement to hatred!!!
It is important to note at this point that he was NOT arrested, NOT charged, NOT cautioned and was released WITHOUT CHARGE....
....but before he left, he made sure to have it written down under what law he was deemed to be inciting hatred which was duly done and he then enquired as to what constituted a lawful protest in the eyes of the law....and the Garda could not even respond!!!
Well, that says everything about the cosy collusion between church and state in this country and that it is alive and well in Ireland at the expense of the victims of the church yet again...and the Gardaí are as complicit today as they have been down through the decades.
God forbid that Cardinal Brady be subject to the truth and God help the poor Gardaí who have obviously no real crimes to be investigating but jump to the telephone call from the palace beside the Cathedral because a victim of 'Fr' Jerry Brouder decides to telling the truth.
That is the one word the likes of Fr Tony Mullins, Cardinal Brady et al in the hierarchy and also the Gardaí neither understand, wish to know of and certainly try to ignore at every twist and turn - TRUTH!!!
We will be publishing a lot more details here as well as the photographs of the events of the day when all are available and sure we will even give the epulette number of the concerned Garda who couldn't even define the term 'lawful protest'.....more anon!!!