Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Jesuits condemn murder of Indigenous priest

The Society of Jesus in Mexico expresses its strongest condemnation of the murder of Father Marcelo Pérez SJ, parish priest of the Church of Guadalupe in San Cristóbal de las Casas.

The attack occurred today while he was on his way to the church of Guadalupe, after officiating Mass in the neighbourhood of Cuxtitali.

Father Marcelo ( who was himself a Tzotzil Indian) has been a symbol of resistance and accompaniment for the communities of Chiapas for decades, defending dignity, the rights of the people and the construction of true peace. His commitment to justice and solidarity made him a point of reference for those who yearn for a future without violence and oppression.

We reject any attempt to minimise these events as isolated cases. Organised crime has sown fear and pain in various regions of the country, and Chiapas is no exception. The violence in this region reflects a structural problem that demands a comprehensive and urgent response from the state.

We urgently call on the authorities to respond firmly and restore order and the rule of law.

The Jesuits of Mexico condemn the growing wave of violence that plagues the state of Chiapas and other territories of the country. This region suffers not only from assassinations, but also from forced recruitment, kidnappings, threats and the plundering of its natural resources.

It is essential that the demands of the Pantelhó community be met and that the will of the authorities legitimately elected by the population be respected. Peace will not be possible without listening to and responding to the needs of the communities, who have long been fighting for their autonomy and security.

We reiterate our fraternal solidarity with the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, the affected communities and the family of Father Marcelo Pérez, joining in prayer for his eternal rest and the consolation of those who mourn his departure. We share with them the longing for peace, justice and dignity that he witnessed with his pastoral dedication and tireless service. His murder cannot and must not go unpunished; we implore that justice prevail to honour his memory and renew hope in the building of the Kingdom of God, where true peace reigns.