Sunday, November 20, 2016

Syrian patriarch: persecuted Christians hope Trump will help secure Mideast peace

Image result for Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III YounanThe head of the Syrian Catholic Church called upon US politicians to speak out on behalf of persecuted Christians as he expressed his hopes for the Trump administration.

“The Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria have suffered catastrophic genocide, persecution, abuse and killings,” Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Yonan told Breitbart News. “I witnessed with my own eyes the destruction taking place in our communities.”

“It is no longer acceptable nor permissible to close one’s eyes to the atrocities that are being allowed in the 21st century,” he continued. “We hope that American politicians can echo this message throughout the country and speak about this injustice.”

The patriarch added:
The Christians in Iraq and Syria are hopeful President-elect Trump and his incoming administration will help secure peace throughout the region for all people and for the sake of humanity.