Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pope asks Lebanese youth to show Middle East coexistence between Christianity and Islam is possible

Pope Benedict XVI offers blessings as he arrives to conduct an open-air mass service at Beirut City Center WaterfrontYoung Christians and Muslims "build together" the future of Lebanon, because " the Middle East in general, looking at you, should understand that Muslims and Christians, Islam and Christianity, can live side by side without hatred, with respect for the beliefs of each person, so as to build together a free and humane society. " 

This afternoon's meeting with young people was one Benedict XVI had no intention of missing, in fact these youth gatherings have become key event in all his visits, anywhere in the world. And here they came, with choirs, song and celebration.

At least thirty thousand young people came to this meeting. In front of the seat of the Maronite Patriarchate there were Christians of all denominations as well as Muslims. And not only Lebanese. 

"I understand, too, - said the Pope - that present among us there are some young people from Syria. I want to say how much I admire your courage. Tell your families and friends back home that the Pope has not forgotten you. Tell those around you that the Pope is saddened by your sufferings and your griefs. He does not forget Syria in his prayers and concerns, he does not forget those in the Middle East who are suffering. It is time for Muslims and Christians to come together so as to put an end to violence and war.. "

In greetings to Pope Benedict XVI, young people spoke about their problems, which are those of their peers from around the world, but not only. "We young people of the Middle East - said a young man and woman - right now we are immersed in a sea of ​​difficulties, anxieties and fears," they spoke of "discouragement" and "corruption." "Whether they are related to situations of insecurity, or the political and economic crises and inflation - they said - the difficulties facing the Christian family are immense and include the loss of the meaning of the sacrament of marriage, contemporary atheism, religious and social discrimination, social scourges like drug addiction and alcoholism. "

"I am aware - answered Benedict XVI - of the difficulties which you face daily on account of instability and lack of security, your difficulties in finding employment and your sense of being alone and on the margins. In a constantly changing world you are faced with many serious challenges. But not even unemployment and uncertainty should lead you to taste the bitter sweetness of emigration, which involves an uprooting and a separation for the sake of an uncertain future. You are meant to be protagonists of your country's future and to take your place in society and in the Church".

"The frustrations of the present moment must not lead you to take refuge in parallel worlds like those, for example, of the various narcotics or the bleak world of pornography. As for social networks, they are interesting but they can quite easily lead to addiction and confusion between the real and the virtual. Look for relationships of genuine, uplifting friendship. Find ways to give meaning and depth to your lives; fight superficiality and mindless consumption! You face another temptation, too: that of money, the tyrannical idol which blinds to the point of stifling the person at the heart. The examples being held up all around you are not always the best. Many people have forgotten Christ's warning that one cannot serve both God and mammon (cf. Lk 16:13). Seek out good teachers, spiritual masters, who will be able to guide you along the path to maturity, leaving behind all that is illusory, garish and deceptive. Bring the love of Christ to everyone! How? By turning unreservedly to God the Father, who is the measure of everything that is right, true and good. Meditate on God's word! Discover how relevant and real the Gospel can be. Pray! Prayer and the sacraments are the sure and effective means to be a Christian and to live "rooted and built up in Christ, and established in the faith" (Col 2:7). The Year of Faith, which is about to begin, will be a time to rediscover the treasure of the faith which you received at Baptism. You can grow in knowledge and understanding of this treasure by studying the Catechism, so that your faith can be both living and lived. You will then become witnesses to others of the love of Christ."

 "The universal brotherhood which he inaugurated on the cross lights up in a resplendent and challenging way the revolution of love." "Christ asks you, then, to do as he did: to be completely open to others, even if they belong to a different cultural, religious or national group. Making space for them, respecting them, being good to them, making them ever more rich in humanity and firm in the peace of the Lord. "

 "Be heralds of the Gospel of life and life's authentic values - he repeated - Courageously resist everything opposed to life: abortion, violence, rejection of and contempt for others, injustice and war. In this way you will spread peace all around you. Are not "peacemakers" those whom in the end we admire the most? Is it not a world of peace that, deep down, we want for ourselves and for others? سَلامي أُعطيكُم - My peace I give to you! (Jn 14:27), Jesus says. He overcame evil not with more evil, but by taking evil upon himself and destroying it completely on the cross through a love lived to the very end. Truly discovering God's forgiveness and mercy always enables us to begin a new life. It is not easy to forgive. But God's forgiveness grants the power of conversion, and the joy of being able to forgive in turn. Forgiveness and reconciliation are the paths of peace; they open up a future".