Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pope includes pro-abortion policies among enemies of peace

Benedict XVI's Message for the World Day of Peace 2013 risks becoming a declaration of war. Not because the pope has "military divisions," as Stalin sought, but because he, the universal pastor, lists the enemies of peace from the first to the last.

Too often we only consider "enemies" those who possess weapons, terrorists, organized crime, and fundamentalist fanatics. The Pope certainly mentions them, but he couples them with all those who are not engaged in the pursuit of the common good: a selfish and individualistic mentality, a deregulated financial capitalism (see paragraph 1); liberalist policies of abortion and euthanasia (n . 4); relativism with its "false claims or arbitrariness" that undermine marriage between men and women (n = 4), and the radical economic liberalism and technocracy, which in the name of profit undermine the networks of solidarity and the right to work (No. 4); violations of religious freedom (n. 4).

This means that from now on it will be much clearer to link the title of "terrorist" and destroyer of peace to those who spread abortion pills in Europe and pursue policies for population control, perhaps with forced abortions and sterilizations such as in China. Those who claim the freedom of gay marriage, punishing the "verbal racism" of those parents who still speak of mother and father and define their children as "male" and "female" undermine peace. The title of terrorist can also be ascribed to those powers that have saved their financial investments condemning millions of workers worldwide to the misery.

The pope says that the principles of all these issues (life, marriage, work, etc ...) are not of a "confessional", but human nature: "They are inscribed in human nature itself, accessible to reason and thus common to all humanity. The Church's efforts to promote them are not therefore confessional in character, but addressed to all people, whatever their religious affiliation". (n. 4). They are the expression of man's innate desire of inspiration to peace, a "right and duty of an integral development, social, community, and this is part of God's plan for man" (No. 1).

The West's hopeless demographic winter; imbalances between males and females in China and India; the psychopathology of the children of gay couples; social unrest over the jobs crisis are there to show how true the Pope's words are that " The precondition for peace is the dismantling of the dictatorship of relativism and of the supposition of a completely autonomous morality which precludes acknowledgment of the ineluctable natural moral law inscribed by God upon the conscience of every man and woman" (n. 2).

Benedict XVI does not stop at merely denouncing the enemies of peace. He proposes a kind of "cultural revolution": "... It is indispensable, then, that the various cultures in our day overcome forms of anthropology and ethics based on technical and practical suppositions which are merely subjectivistic and pragmatic, in virtue of which relationships of coexistence are inspired by criteria of power or profit, means become ends and vice versa, and culture and education are centred on instruments, technique and efficiency alone"(n. 2). In short, "peace requires a humanism open to transcendence" (no. 2).

The re-establishment of our cultures is the answer to the desire for change and truth that is heard in many sectors of society. This "revolution" is more than just search for "a new development model" it is the innovation of a new sense of personal dignity, family, educational institutions, politics and the economy. 

The Pope calls for "a solid anthropological and ethical foundation" for "economic and financial activities" and "support for fresh thinking and a new cultural synthesis so as to overcome purely technical approaches and to harmonize the various political currents with a view to the common good."

The task of Christians is to rediscover together with all peacemakers that "Peace is the building up of coexistence in rational and moral terms, based on a foundation whose measure is not created by man, but rather by God. (n. 2). For this reason, the task of the Church is to proclaim Jesus Christ, "the first and principal factor of the integral development of peoples and also of peace" (n. 3). Only in this way, "Peace is not a dream, not a utopia: it is possible."