Saturday, November 05, 2011

Catholic League says Kansas City Star rejected its $25,000 ad

The rejected Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights ad is critical of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), saying it’s “a lie” that the group represents those who’ve been abused by any authority. 

“It concentrates almost exclusively on the Catholic Church,” says the League’s ad.

It also claims:

* “SNAP is so hateful that it even endorses Gestapo-like tactics used against the Catholic Church.”
* “The reason why SNAP wants to bring down Bishop Finn is because it always shoots for the top”
* “Their real goal is control — the control of the Catholic Church.”
* “….fascistic means are acceptable to SNAP.”

The Catholic League says the ad was written “because we strongly defend Kansas City-St. Joseph Bishop Robert Finn against the politically motivated attacks on him.” 

The group adds that it gave the Star its credit card information to pay the $25,000 fee, but on October 26 — the day after the ad was submitted — “we received an e-mail which said that ‘The Publisher has respectfully declined’ and did not share the details as to why.”