Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Colombia's Catholic Church opens Twitter account

The Catholic Church of Colombia is spreading the word of God through Twitter after opening an account on December 12.

The Church was spurred on after Pope Benedict XVI became the first to evangelize through such unconventional methods.

The Twitter account is registered under the name of Colombia’s Archbishop Ruben Salazar with the intention of jumping on the Pope’s technological evangelization bandwagon.

"Modern techniques offer superb service that we cannot miss, (...) if the Holy Father has decided to open an account, it seemed important to us that the Church in Colombia has the ability to communicate with others through Twitter accounts," claimed the Archbishop.

The first ever tweet went out on Wednesday December 12, thanking the Holy Father for his innovative methods of expressing his faith.

After two days and 15 tweets the account already is followed by over 1,300 people and is growing rapidly, however the Colombian Church refused to follow anyone but the Holy Father himself.