Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sotto Voce...CSA Files Fiasco et al...

Dear friends, it seems that whatever I write here on the subject of the scenario between the 2 heads of the RC Church in Dublin is going to ruffle feathers irrespective of my intentions...

I wrote that I do understand to an extent that which is concerning Cardinal Emeritus CONNELL (a position which does exist let it be noted) and I do as we all, as clergy, at some stage or another will either have faced or will face, a position whereby the necessary consideration will have to be applied and a decision made which is not necessarily deemed to be for the greater good.

As I also stated I am not the most keen admirer of the AB MARTIN of Dublin who is seeking higher office in the Apostolic Palace on the Tiber and his actions do require assessment also, but not until such time as CONNELL will have been scourged at the pillar of MARTIN's high moral ground.

I personally hav enever liked either of these people from my dealings with them and their public spat is doing no-one any good, least of all the victims.

With AB MARTIN, I firmly believe it is a case of one upmanship on his part every time and his letter to us priests outlining his belief that the policy of Il Papa 'is what inspires me and what inspires the policies of the Archdiocese of Dublin on all levels. This will not change.'

There is no doubt that yes indeed we must admire also the stance of CONNELL in standing for the rights of those he gave assurances to in relation to the 5,000 files and indeed it is to be admired but we must look at it in context from which we can ascertain that same such said confidencese are what led to so many clergy down through the years getting away with CSA and I refer here to the document Crimen Sollicitationis which can be accessed via this blogspot by clicking on the link provided under the sidebar section entitled Vatican and Sex Crimes.

Maybe CONNELL decided to implement it to its full in this matter and one cannot judge him for that but one must give consideration to those affected yet again by even more clerical buffoonery and bullheadedness by the two prelates in is shameful and unacceptable.