Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, archbishop of Lima, Peru, said the role of
the bishop is the lead people to Christ which includes taking a stand
against widespread relativism in modern society.
“The bishop cannot take the most comfortable road, because he has to
always seek after Christ, unity with the Pope, and manifest it with his
example and his words,” Cardinal Cipriani said on the Feast of the
Epiphany on Jan. 6.
“For this reason, those who love Christ do not agree in many aspects
with what others, turning their backs on God, wish to impose.”
He noted that Church’s pastors must understand the value of opposing
ideas rooted in relativism. Such opposition entails defending life from
the moment of conception to natural death and the traditional family
based on marriage between one man and one woman.
“Sex, marriage, human life and the family are being played with in this
world. And the bishop must lead the way, even though many people may
not like it, by being faith to the teachings of Christ and in communion
with the Holy Father,” Cardinal Cipriani said.
He also encouraged Catholics to seek authentic freedom. “To be persons
is to be free. For this reason, seek after the truth, use your
intelligence and seek after what is good.”
“What characteristics does the human person have? The person is free,
in a freedom that is united to the truth. God doesn’t tell you, 'Do what
you want.'”
“He says, 'Do what you ought.' God has given us an extraordinary way of
being. We are free with a mission: we have the freedom to love others,
to work, to help and to love God,” the cardinal added.
He concluded by inviting the faithful to follow the example of the Magi
and follow the star that leads to God. “And that star is Christ present
in his Church in a special way in the Eucharist and in Confession,” he