Saturday, September 03, 2011

'One in Four' disappointed at response

The group 'One in Four' has said it is very disappointed by the Vatican's response but 'not terribly surprised'. 

Executive Director Maeve Lewis said the statement once again shows the Vatican's refusal to accept any level of responsibility for the "culture that pertained in the Catholic Church in Ireland and indeed throughout the world, where the safety of children took much less priority than the status and reputation of the church".

She said Vatican's attempts to show in detail that their words were misconstrued and misinterpreted was not very helpful and that the statement fails to explain why the Vatican refused to participate or make documentation available to the Cloyne inquiry.

Speaking on RTÉ Radio, Ms Lewis said: "I think, in their castigation, really, of the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, I think it shows their profound misunderstanding of the depths and level of anger and frustration shared by Irish Catholics at the church failures"

Ms Lewis said she hopes when the Government has the chance to review the document that their response will not stray very far from the remarks made in the Dáil Mr Kenny.
Abuse victim Andrew Madden said the Vatican response showed that "every effort" was made "to continue to find ways for the Holy See to absolve itself of any responsibility" for the issue of sexual abuse by priests.