Thursday, March 09, 2017

Salvadoran Church authenticates Romero miracle

Image result for Blessed Oscar RomeroThe Salvadoran Church has concluded the local investigation of an alleged miracle by the intercession of Blessed Oscar Romero, assassinated at the altar at the start of the Salvadoran Civil War.

The findings of an ecclesial tribunal were sealed in San Salvador on Tuesday and remitted to the Apostolic Nunciature to be sent to Rome. 

If the miracle is confirmed by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, it would put Romero on track to becoming the first Salvadoran saint.

Although no formal announcement was made, the event was confirmed by a series of tweets from Archbishop Rafael Urrutia, the vice postulator of the cause, and Fr Edwin Henriquez, the second vice postulator. 

Archbishop Urrutia confirmed by tweet, "This morning we have closed the Diocesan Process for a miracle attributed to Blessed Oscar Romero and it will be sent to Rome." Photos posted in social media showed Fr Henriquez delivering the boxed up documentation to the Nunciature.

According to Julian Filochowski, the head of the Romero Trust in London, the documentation contains specific findings from medical records relating to the case. 

"This will then be studied in Rome, in turn, by a seven-person commission of medical experts, a six person commission of theologians, and the 14 Cardinals of the Congregation. If all concur, a new 'Positio' dealing with the miracle will be submitted to Pope Francis for final approval of the canonisation."

No doubt cognisant of the stakes, Archbishop Urrutia tweeted, "We ask Christian devotees of Archbishop Romero to pray for his canonisation."