Wednesday, January 18, 2017

CM Exclusive: Fr. Dariusz Oko on the Homoheresy

CM Exclusive: Fr. Dariusz Oko on the HomoheresyPolish priest Fr. Dariusz Oko sat down with Michael Voris in December 2016 to discuss the crisis of homosexual clergy, a problem that continues to afflict the Catholic Church.
Best known for his 2012 blockbuster exposé "With the Pope Against the Homoheresy," which offered frank discussion of the homosexual infiltration of the clergy, Fr. Oko continued the theme in his interview with Church Militant.
"There is a gay mafia inside the Catholic Church," he said. "They create these informal unions and they infiltrate the Church." 

He also confirmed that this infiltration reaches the highest ranks. "There is most definitely a problem with homosexual bishops in the universal Church," he commented. "Pope Benedict dethroned 70 such bishops worldwide who either covered up pedophile priests or who themselves were active in homosexual relationships."

He noted the examples of Polish archbishops Josef Wesolowski and Juliusz Paetz, who turned out to be sexual predators, as well as Cdl. Keith O'Brien of Scotland, forced into retirement by Pope Benedict XVI because of a homosexual scandal.

"Just like in the military, in the police, in the art world," he continued, "once a person with homosexual tendencies gets into power, usually their subordinates are also homosexuals, therefore they start creating a pyramid, and the same thing is happening in the Church with these bishops who knowingly nominate people with the same tendencies."

Father Oko explained that those with homosexual tendencies reject the "warrior mentality" necessary in the Christian life. "[T]hey will not emulate our Lord as the warrior, as the counter symbol to the prevailing evil," he remarked. "They will try to orient the Church to being emotional, to having a dialogue with everybody, turning the Church into a 'safe space.' They don't like battle or confrontation."

He continued:
The Lavender Mafia want to have a comfortable life. They don't want to do battle with anyone who threatens their position. That is why they will compromise on almost anything. There are atrocities being committed against young men in the orders, especially the Franciscans and the Dominicans, who are molested by their superiors, and they are told to shut up by their bishops. Archbishop Paetz is a perfect example. This is extremely atrocious because a lot of these young men are very dedicated and orthodox. They love the Church and want to serve the Church. On a psychological level, their whole world can be devastated by such an act. They can literally go crazy. They could have been great brothers in the orders and great priests but they end seeking psychological help. They are a wreck, basically.
In spite of the evil, Fr. Oko is reminding the faithful we have a duty to fight for Holy Mother Church. "[It] is basically a Mystical Body being attacked by a cancer, and it is our role to defend the Mystical Body from this cancer."

"We can't forget about the saints," he continued. "So even today not everything about the Catholic Church is evil. We can point out St. Francis, St. John Paul II, St. Padre Pio, St. Sister Faustina — even in these turbulent times there are saints, there are Christians who are the most beautiful kind of people."

"There is a lot of evil," he concluded, "and there is a lot of good happening in the Catholic Church."