Saturday, December 24, 2016

Pope Francis: Homily at Christmas Mass (with link to video of Mass)

Image result for Pope Francis: Homily at Christmas Mass“The grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men” (Tit 2:11).

The words of the Apostle Paul reveal the mystery of this holy night: the grace of God has appeared, his gift is free; in the Child given unto us the love of God is made visible.

It is a night of glory, that glory proclaimed by the angels in Bethlehem and also by us today all over the world.

It is a night of joy, because from this day forth, and for all times, the infinite and eternal God is God with us: he is not far off, we need not search for him in the heavens or in mystical notions; he is close, he is been made man and will never distance himself from our humanity, which he has made his own.

It is a night of light: that light, prophesied by Isaiah (cf. 9:1), which would illumine those who walk in darkness, has appeared and enveloped the shepherds of Bethlehem (cf. Lk 2:9).... 

(Click link for the rest of the Pope’s homily.)
