Thursday, October 27, 2016

This is why most of your Facebook friends are heading to 'Mass' on Sunday

A Facebook Mass event is getting everyone talkingMass is the hottest ticket in town this weekend. 

You may have noticed that some of your Facebook friends are heading to Mass this weekend and there's an entire page dedicated to event.

The page has been live since 2012 but it has seen a massive surge in interest over the past few days after it created a special Mass event for this Sunday - in the same way that people use Facebook event pages to organise parties, gigs and festivals. 

So far, more than 101,000 people have accepted the invitation, while a further 23,000 people are "interested" in attending but are yet to commit.

People have been flooding the page with Mass-related memes and, naturally, plenty of Father Ted quotes. 

Facebook users have also been using the page to swap tickets to the event ("two standing for one sitting"), making pleas to get in on the cheaplist, to query whether there'll be wine and submitting guesses as to who's going to lead the sermon.

Odds are on Father Crosby...