Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sydney parish plan to install bells divides locals

A plan by St Leonard's Catholic Church in Sydney to install bells after almost 100 years of silence could divide the local community, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The church, in the northern suburb of Naremburn, has lodged an application with Willoughby Council to put six sound-controlled bronze bells into the existing belltower - but not everyone is happy.

Nearby resident Gary Clarke said if the bells chimed for too long they could "drive people nuts".

"They will soon lose their charm," Mr Clarke said.

But assistant priest Father Matthew Kurumparath said the bells would not be disruptive, allowing his parishioners to worship and to remind people of God.

The bells, which would be donated anonymously from a north Wales church, weigh between 248kg and 510kg each and residents claim they will generate about 110dB of sound; similar to standing close to a train.

The council will review the proposal before the end of the year. 

Following the church's application on October 12, the council notified all 290 properties within a 100m radius.

Fifty submissions have been received for and against the proposal.