Friday, July 01, 2011

Washington Theological Union To Close In 2013: A Sign Of The Times

Washington Theological Union (WTU) announced today that it would be closing its doors with the Class of 2013. 

For just over the past 40 years, Washington Theological Union (WTU), a graduate theological school for ministry, located in Takoma Park, educated and commissioned a diverse and global array of ministers for service to the Catholic Church in a post-Vatican II world. 

Graduate degrees offered included the Master of Divinity, Master of Pastoral Studies, Master of Theological Studies, as well as various certificate programs and a recently added Doctor of Ministry program in Spirituality.

The unique character of WTU emanated from its prime location in Washington DC, where it was well networked with the numerous religious orders alluded to in the school's name. 

It benefited from the charism of the founding orders: Augustinian, Carmelite, various Franciscan Orders, Paulist, Redemptorist.

It also offered the opportunity for lay people, seminarians, those on sabbatical from all over the globe to study together in an ecumenical environment. 

In most academic programs, students were required to complete supervised ministries throughout the region, including working with those of other faiths.

The buildling itself also offered a statement of architectural achievement and and expression of spirituality. Many art exhibits and its popular Advent Lessons and Carols added to the Takoma Park neighborhood's vibrancy.

The institution had struggled over the past several years, as did many other similar institutions and non-profits. 

Although it remained committed to form ministers "worthy of the people they serve", as former President Dan McClellan would often say, the difficulty resided in maintaining funding which came from a shrinking pool of religious orders and private donations. 

In other words, it was a victim of its own generosity and vision.