Saturday, March 19, 2011

Germany's Roman Catholic bishops kneel down, ask for forgiveness over clergy's abuse

Germany's Roman Catholic bishops say they are "deeply ashamed" by the abuse of youth by clergy men and the church's failure to hold the perpetrators to account.

The country's bishops kneeled down in a symbolic gesture Monday and asked for God's forgiveness at the beginning of their annual spring meeting in the western city of Paderborn.

The head of the German Bishops Conference Robert Zollitsch said in his prayer that men of the church have abused youth and damaged their lives.

Germany, the homeland of Pope Benedict XVI, was one of several countries hit last year by a wave of allegations of abuse by clerics.

The Bishops Conference said last month it planned to offer up to €5,000 ($6,900) to those abused by clergy or church officials while they were minors.