Friday, January 16, 2009

Sotto Voce...Ar Sos

My dear friends, I write to you all to advise that I am taking a few days well deserved rest at this time.

Over the last few weeks, I have been preparing for Christmas, weddings, other liturgical ceremonies and indeed facing into the New Year with a dose of the good old Irish flu which got the better of me in the last few weeks and days.

Some would be only too happy to say that is God's way of keeping me in check, and if so be it, then I will be all the more happy to take the break proffered to me.

I will be back in a few days time, and sincerely hope that you all manage to get a break as well.

No doubt there will be a few (!!) clergy out there who will be more than happy see the back of me for the few days, but I will be back.

In the interim, every blessing and best wish to you all....

Sotto Voce