Sunday, May 06, 2007

Church Cover-Ups (Contribution)

The cases of child abuse by Church clergy that have come to light in recent weeks raise a number of highly worrying questions for our society.

It has become clear that the Church was not only aware of these actions, but that it covered them up and allowed these men to continue to work with children and teenagers.

The protection of the abusers as opposed to the victims raises serious questions not only of the religious institution, but also of our society as a whole.

Children are the future of our society and also one of the most vulnerable groups within it. Children have neither a vote nor a voice in political situations.

Children are forced to live within familial structures unless (or until) the state deems such an environment unsuitable.

Children are the weakest members of our society - physically, emotionally and vocally.

As such they are in need of protection by the adults around them.

Paedophilia has plagued religion for many years, especially within Christian sects. Cases against the Roman Catholic Church, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and even the Amish have been widely reported in recent years. One reason why these scandals cause such devastation is that religious leaders are seen as being on pedestals which they have chosen to put themselves upon.

Similarities with the exposé of child abuse within the Boston Archdiocese are apparent. In 2003 a large exposé occurred of systematic child abuse by Catholic clergy within this area. More than 1,000 victims came forward, resulting in major lawsuits and repercussions for the Church.

The public outcry centred on the cover-up by the Catholic leaders which allowed the rape and molestation of young congregants to continue for decades.

The essence of the Christian religion is that of subjugating one's human desires to a higher purpose - morally, spiritually, and physically. Christianity has long preached abstinence of physical pleasures in the search for spiritual holiness.

Thus it is encouraged that certain food luxuries are given up for lent, physical luxuries are lessened, and certain sexual desires curbed (to name but a few examples). The most shocking aspect of these abuses coming to light is that the Church itself allowed its leaders to destroy the essence of the religion by not bringing them to account for their actions.

The effects of childhood sexual abuse have been well-documented by countless psychologists, criminologists, and social workers.

Andrew Vachss, an American lawyer specialising in cases involving children, has written extensively about perpetrators and victims of abuse. He deals with the question as to whether people are born evil, whether paedophilia is an illness, or how else to explain these actions.

Vachss makes it clear that regardless of why abuse is perpetrated, the abusers must be dealt with in order to protect further children from becoming victims. He documents how unlikely so-called "recovery" is for paedophiles, and recommends that such people are removed from further potential contact with children.

The Sex Offenders Register in this country ensures that paedophiles are not able to work with young people, or be in charge of running youth activities. This enables the authorities to protect children from known offenders. The cover-up by the Church meant that such protection was not afforded to young congregants from their ministers.

It is clearly documented that victims of sexual abuse face a lifetime of recovery from their physical and emotional scars. The validation and healing that comes from seeing an attacker being brought to justice has been denied for many years to the victims of these Christian leaders.

The media have documented the agonising struggles of some of these young men in coming to terms with what has happened to them, and their pain in seeing that their abusers continued to commit such acts in other settings.

Although financial compensation is never adequate in these situations, it would go a long way towards vindicating the victims. Many of these people will have spent years in therapy as a result of the abuse, and it would be wise for the Church to acknowledge the time and money that has gone into such psychological help.

The response from the Church has been neutral at best. The lack of recognition that they failed the children in these instances reeks of a fear of legal proceedings. Rather than holding their hands up and admitting that they covered up these scandals, thus enabling the perpetrators to continue to abuse children and destroy lives, the Church has tried to minimise its responsibility.

The fear of being sued by the victims, or of being held accountable in legal proceedings, has resulted in yet another betrayal by the Church. The Church needs to stand up and apologise for the fact that it allowed known paedophiles and abusers to continue to work within its institutions.

Regardless of the legal consequences, it is only once such a statement is issued that the true healing process (for all parties) can begin.


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Sotto Voce